¿Por qué es importante hacer ejercicio?

El ejercicio debería ser considerado como algo indispensable en la vida de cada persona, ya que no solo funciona como algo que nos ayuda a deshacernos del estrés, sino también previene problemas para la salud a largo plazo.  No todos tienen el mismo gusto o motivación para realizar actividad física y por otro lado, hay […]

The Importance of Self-Care Part 1

We all know that the choices that we make, even seemingly small ones, can have a big impact on our health. Incremental efforts add up like little steps which over time can amount to skyscraper-height changes! The key to making these positive, lasting changes is patience (sprinkled with kindness). If you’re making the shift towards […]

Amazon and Walmart Squaring off on Telehealth, Pharmacy, Connected Healthcare in 2022

By PYMNTS The celebrity cage match featuring Amazon and Walmart is carrying over into healthcare big time as the two retail rivals push further into health technologies, pharmacy and treatment. The American Hospital Association (AHA) summed it up well in a recent blog post, saying, “If 2021 will be remembered as the great expansion of retail […]

The Amazing Possibilities Of Healthcare In The Metaverse

The metaverse is a hot topic at the moment, and much has been written and spoken about its potential to revolutionize gaming, entertainment, socializing, work and commerce. Not so much has been said, however, about how it could affect healthcare – but this is another field where its impact could be transformational. Firstly – for […]

Hacer ejercicio para prevenir la osteoporosis

¿Sabías que la osteoporosis y la osteopenia (baja masa ósea) afectan a más de 50 millones de estadounidenses y hacen que los huesos se debiliten y se vuelvan quebradizos? Para las mujeres mayores, es una de las principales causas de discapacidad. Por lo tanto, si te preocupa la salud de tus huesos y la prueba […]

Budget-Friendly Recipes Part 2

During colder weather, it can be a bit more challenging to plan healthier meals as produce-in-season is more limited. In this blog, I’ll share some more budget-friendly recipes and how to make healthy vegetables a mainstay of our diet.   Lentils Lentils are not technically a vegetable as they are in the legume family. They […]

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