3 Steps to Nailing Your Fitness Goals

3 Steps to Nailing Your Fitness Goals We’re well into the New Year, which makes it the perfect time to assess how you’re sticking to your resolutions—especially those related to health and fitness. Many of us enter the year with ambitious goals about how often we’ll go to the gym, maybe try that new, trendy […]

How to Live Young For As Long As You Live

How to Live Young For As Long As You Live I listened to an interesting podcast featuring the guru of Functional Medicine, Dr. Mark Hyman.  He’s written numerous NY Times bestseller books (UltraMind Solution, UltraMetabolism Solution, What the Heck Should I Eat?) and runs UltraWellness Centers across the country. He just released his new book […]

Blue Zones and the Keys to Healthy Longevity

Blue Zones and the Keys to Healthy Longevity Occasionally on the news, you’ll see a headline about a woman who lived to 112, or perhaps someone in your county who just hit their 100th birthday. But what if there were whole communities of people who lived to 100 and beyond? What if becoming a centenarian […]

Simple Tips to Incorporate Exercise Into Your Day

Do you find yourself struggling to find time to exercise or make it to the gym? If you’re like most of us, life throws a lot at us and before you know it, the day is over. But, exercise doesn’t have to be as onerous to your schedule as you may think. In this blog, […]

The 5-Minute Morning Routine for a Fantastic Day

“How you wake up each day dramatically affects your level of success in every single area of your life.” – Hal Elrod, Author I listened to an interesting podcast on a 5-minute morning routine that anyone can implement and follow. The routine framework is based on Dr. Rangan Chatterjee’s book: Happy Mind, Happy Life: The […]

¿Por qué es importante hacer ejercicio?

El ejercicio debería ser considerado como algo indispensable en la vida de cada persona, ya que no solo funciona como algo que nos ayuda a deshacernos del estrés, sino también previene problemas para la salud a largo plazo.  No todos tienen el mismo gusto o motivación para realizar actividad física y por otro lado, hay […]

Hacer ejercicio para prevenir la osteoporosis

¿Sabías que la osteoporosis y la osteopenia (baja masa ósea) afectan a más de 50 millones de estadounidenses y hacen que los huesos se debiliten y se vuelvan quebradizos? Para las mujeres mayores, es una de las principales causas de discapacidad. Por lo tanto, si te preocupa la salud de tus huesos y la prueba […]

5 Tips to Starting Off the New Year in a Healthy Fashion

I used to make New Year’s Resolutions every year until I realized that making promises at the beginning of the year which inevitably get broken within 90 days was not a sustainable habit. So, in light of the New Year, I’ll share some things you can do to take control of your health without a […]

Exercising to Prevent Osteoporosis

Did you know that osteoporosis and osteopenia (low bone mass) affects more than 50 million Americans and causes bones to become weak and brittle? For older women, it is a major cause of disability. So, if you are concerned about your bone health and tested low on the bone density scan (Dexa scan), read on […]

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