What You Need to Know About Chronic Kidney Disease

What You Need to Know About Chronic Kidney Disease Have you ever wondered what happens when your kidneys can’t keep up with their essential functions? Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) affects approximately 10% of the global population. In the United States, 1 in 7 adults are estimated to be living with CKD. As the disease is […]

4 Tips to Naturally Manage Joint Pain

4 Tips to Naturally Manage Joint Pain Over the colder months, do you find yourself feeling more joint pain and arthritic symptoms? Or do your regular workouts end up with stiffness and body aches the next day? Whether you struggle with joint pain or have diagnosed arthritis, you’re not alone. The CDC estimates that one […]

Disengaged and Disconnected: Why Most Remote Monitoring Programs Underperform

Many healthcare organizations are learning that creating an effective, scalable remote monitoring program is not easy. Most engage only about half of eligible patients. When patients do engage, providers struggle to keep them connected, find actionable insights in the data, and achieve optimal reimbursement.

Kicking off the New Year With Intent – Diet and Exercise

I’m sure many of us are happy to say goodbye to 2020 and have plans to kick off the new year with resolutions, lifestyle changes and programs to improve our well-being. I am not a fan of New Year’s resolutions as I always break them so I prefer to make small changes as I go. […]


by Dagmar Ehling Homeopathic medicine is based on a system that uses microdoses of substances derived from plants, minerals, or animals to stimulate a natural healing response. Homeopathy is a therapeutic system founded on the principle “simila similibus curentur” translated as “like cures like.”  Homeopathy is practiced worldwide, and was introduced in the U.S. in […]

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