Natural Detoxification Strategies

We live in a world full of environmental toxins. According to the CDC, more than 400 toxic chemicals have been measured in human samples. With over 80,000 chemicals used regularly by industries, it’s no surprise that our bodies are a sponge for toxins that are in our air, water, oceans and ground! This blog highlights […]

Virtual Healthcare On A Global Scale

Remote patient monitoring (RPM) isn’t a new concept, but interest and adoption have increased significantly in the past 18 months. The pandemic took remote care from an enticing notion to the need-to-have status it holds now. Covid-19 spurred healthcare systems and organizations around the world to explore and execute medical monitoring differently.

Exercising to Prevent Osteoporosis

Did you know that osteoporosis and osteopenia (low bone mass) affects more than 50 million Americans and causes bones to become weak and brittle? For older women, it is a major cause of disability. So, if you are concerned about your bone health and tested low on the bone density scan (Dexa scan), read on […]

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